
The original coating of Teflon®-coated cookware (fryer pans, casseroles, pots, pans) used in households (slice pans, casserole dishes, pots, pans) unfortunately wears off during use, and comes off after scratches or cuts.
Your usual cookware may not have to be thrown away.
It can be repaired if the handle or handle can be removed and its thickness is appropriate.
(Italian cookware purchased in three pieces for a thousand forints at the markets cannot be repaired.)
Please remove the fittings and only send the cookware to our factory.
We will remove the old coating and provide the surface with a Teflon® coating.

Our current prices:
Dishes From 5,000 HUF/piece
Our prices are net prices and do not include any shipping costs.

Please inquire, as the price depends on the size, quantity, and what operation should be performed on the outside.